Long Coat Working Siegerine Great Britain, Holland, Belgium and VA2 Vice Siegerine World German Sieger
A True once in a lifetime Dog
Registration No 9183870 Pet Name: Diva
German Sieger Show 2018 VA2 Working Long Coat Female
German Sieger Show 2017 V1 Working Long Coat Female
German Sieger Show 2016 V5 Working Long Coat Female
***V1 L-GHKH (Long Coat Working Female) SV Judge Dieter Oeser North West GSD Group 7th August 2016***
Microchip No. 52814000057928
Date of Birth: 14th July 2014
SV Hips A1 Stamp Normal, Elbows A1 Stamp Normal
DNA geprüft Parentage Proven.
15th May 2016: UK Breed Council Breed Survey Class 1
Breeders: Ross and Hans Lelieveld
Father: 2x VA1 German & Italian Sieger Winner 2015 German Sieger Winner 2016
Ballack von der Brucknerallee BH AD IPO3 LBZ
Mother: V3 Quera von der Zenteiche BH AD IPO1 LBZ
***Diva passed her BH in Germany 21/2/2016 under Andreas Heb*** the first part of her training towards her IPO1.
***Diva passed her (Ausdauerprufung) AD Endurance Trial in Germany 4/3/2016 under Andre Polok***
Wow Diva gains IPO1 Working qualification in Germany OG Isselhorst-Hollen on the 20th March 2016.
93 SG86 G86 G265 G
This girl has done so well. She has the trainability of both her parents.
Datum: 16.04.2016
Landesgruppe: LG07 - Ostwestfalen-Lippe
Körmeister: Hans-Joachim Dux
28th July 2019
LSH Gebrauchshundklasse Hündinnen --- Judged by : Marco Oßmann German Sieger Judge
Team Diva does it again!
V1 Daizy v Ayla’s Aura Congratulations Karen and Tim!
7th July 2019
LSH Gebrauchshundklasse Hündinnen --- Judged by : Marco Oßmann German Sieger Judge
V1 Daizy v Ayla’s Aura - Congratulations to all the Team
16th June 2019
LSH Gebrauchshundklasse Hündinnen --- Judged by : Jürgen Maibüchen
V1 Daizy v Ayla’s Aura
Diva joins Karen and Tim in America
*** Diva is the WUSV BRG Joint Top (1st Place) Long Coat Female 2016 ***
18th June 2017 British Sieger Show Long Coat Working Female under Dirk Gabriel
V1 Daizy Ayla's Aura BH AD IPO2 kkl
What does it take to go to a World German Sieger Show and gain such a fabulous result.
**** T E A M W O R K ****
Due to health problens this fantastic team made it possible for us to compete in 2016 and I can't thank our team enough!!
Neil Sumner - Off lead gaiting and photograph.
Hans Lelieveld - Breeder, Measuring Commision, Individual/Stand.
Me - Owner & Protection Work Test and Training.
Roswitha Lelieved - Breeder, Class Handler and VA1 Ballacks Progeny.
Natasha Sumner - Training, paperwork and Support.
Special thank you to Phil and Belinda for support and encouragement at home
IPO Training Club Oostende for Diva'sTraining with us.
IPO2 Working Qualification
Judge: Dieter Wacker
87 G | 82 G | 81 G | 250
G |
1st & SG1 Intermediate Long Coat Female under SV Judge: Herr Mast, handled to perfection by Andrew Connerly
1/3/2015 VP1 6/9 month Long Coat Female Wintertofee 2015 Belgium Judged by Margitt v Dorssen.
3/2/2015 VP1 9/12 month Long Coat Female Sint Maartencup Riemst 2015 Judged by Uwe Sprenger
12/9/2015 SG7 British Sieger Show 2015 Torsten Kopp
11/10/2015 SG3 Intermediate Long Coat Female Midland Regional GSD Group Judged by Georg Aichhorn
28/11/2015 SG2 Intermediate Long Coat Female Xmas Regional Show Judged by Jean Hiscox
SG2 Dooley’s Daizy van Ayla’s Aura ( Ballack von der Brucknerallee / Quera von der Zenteiche ) Upper medium size and strength black and tan 19mth female. Alert expressive feminine head with dark eye. Very good type with good proportions. Upper arm could be better angled. Good hind angles. Okay over back and loin into well angled croup. A little close away okay towards. Good fluid movement. Steady to the gun.
26/3/2016 SG1 LSH Junghundklasse Hundinnen under SV Judge Dieter Oeser. IN GERMANY.
15/5/2016 SG2 LSH Intermediate Female judged Ang Walden
29/52016 SG1 LSH Junghundklasse Hundinnen under SV Judge Bernd Weber. BAEKELANDT-TROFEE 2016 Belgium.
18/6/2016 SG1 LSH Intermediate Female under SV Judge Herr Mast GSDL National Spectacular Ellistown.
7/8/2016 V1 LSH Working Female under SV Judge Dieter Oeser North West GSD Group.
2/9/2016 V5 German Sieger Show 2016 L-GHKH Working Female under SV Judge Lutz Wischalla
2/10/2016 V1 LSH Working Female under SV Judge Franz Kampenhuber Midland Regional Group.
6/11/2016 V1 Koblenz Germany L-GHKH Working Female under SV Judge Heinz Scheerer.
11/12/2016 V1 Hilton Park Regional L-GHKH Working Female under Mrs Nikki Farley.
Nederlandse Kampioenschapsclubmatch Dutch Sieger Show NL-Roermond 9th July 2017
Show Class : LSH Gebrauchshundklasse Hündinnen --- Judged by : John Lijffije | ||||
Name | Parents | |
Finny vom Haus Gleißner | Pippo House of Grumil - Candy von der Burg Haidstein | |
Isprite du Repaire du Berger Allemand | Huran du Mont du Tassili - Fibby du Val de la Houée | |
Daizy van Ayla's Aura | Ballack von der Brucknerallee - Quera von der Zenteiche | |
Enia vom Fuchsbachtal | Yugo vom Altenberger Land - Deetje vom Fuchsbachtal | |
Angelina vom Haus Hölken | Victor von Regina Pacis - Beate von der Brucknerallee | |
Daika von der Vallendarer Höhe | E'U2 de la Petite Laeticia - Naomi von Seidenbach | |
Wibke vom Patersweg | Fulz di Zenevredo - Lexa vom Patersweg | |
Zara zur Vosskuhle | Chacco von der Freiheit Westerholt - Ulana zur Vosskuhle | |
Xindi di Casa Pileci | Etoo aus Wattenscheid - Figlia zur Worringer Rheinaue | |
Hula du Clos d'Aoste | Dick du Domaine de Buckland - Athena du Clos d'Aoste |
LG-Zucht- und Nachwuchsschau (LG 03). D-Hannover-Engelbostel von 190 30th July 2017 Germany
Show Class : LSH Gebrauchshundklasse Hündinnen --- Judged by : Otto Körber-Ahrens | ||||
Name | Parents | |
Ang vom Blasius-Haus | Groovy di Casa Massarelli - Grappa von Paulgarten | |
Riska vom Billberg | Pacco vom Langenbungert - Beauty vom Lupi | |
Wicky vom Team Radsieksbeeke | Figo vom Nordteich - Maily vom Team Radsieksbeeke | |
Daizy van Ayla's Aura | Ballack von der Brucknerallee - Quera von der Zenteiche | |
Enia vom Fuchsbachtal | Yugo vom Altenberger Land - Deetje vom Fuchsbachtal | |
Fenja vom Herbramer-Wald | Iliano vom Fichtenschlag - Xania von den Paderquellen | |
Zara zur Vosskuhle | Chacco von der Freiheit Westerholt - Ulana zur Vosskuhle |