Definition of Classes at Regional and SV Shows
A: Insufficent
VP: Very Promising, the highest grading that can be awarded for dogs under 12 months.
P: Promising
LP: Less Promising
SG: Very Good, the highest Grading that can be awarded for dogs under 24 months.
G: Good
V: Excellent, the highest grade possible for dogs over 24 months but must have Breed Survey (UK) or Korung (Europe).
VA: Excellent Select, very difficult to achieve and only awarded at Sieger Shows.
At Sieger Shows only, the title or Sieger, Vice Sieger, Sigerine and Vice Siegerine is awarded.
It is usual to see V1, V2, V3, V4 and V5. The number is the place given, We have used a class from 2015 as an example.
1st Conbhairean Indo - V1
2nd Quattro v Steffen Haus - V2
3rd Ebony Jumpin Jack - V3
4th Christers Privateer - V4
5th Iolanda Dax - V5
Regional Classes
Minor Puppy Male/Female: 6-9 months old.
Puppy Male/Female: 9-12 months old.
Long Coat Special Puppy Male/Female: 6-12months.
Junior Male/Female: 12-18 months.
Yearling Male/Female: 18-24 months.
Intermediate Long Coat Male/Female: 12-24 months.
Adult Male/Female: Over 24 months and must have Breed Survey.
Adult Long Coat Male/Female: Over 24 months and must have Breed Survey.
Working Male/Female: Over 24 months with BH AD IPO and Korung.
Working Long Coat Male/Female: Over 24 months with BH AD IPO and Korung.
Kennel Club Shows
BIS: Best In Show
RBIS: Reserve Best In Show
BIG: Best In Group
BOB: Best of Breed
RBOB: Reserve Best of Breed
BOS: Best Opposite Sex
BB: Best Bitch
BD: Best Dog
BP: Best Puppy
G1, G2, G3, G4: Group 1,2,3,4 placing in the Group Judging.
Championship Shows
Challenge Certificates are on offer for most breeds. These are normally large shows lasting a few days. Your dog does not have to have done any previous winning to attend these shows.
Open Shows
Generally smaller than Championship Shows and open to all. Champions can be entered. Quite often dogs and bitches of one breed are judged together.
Challenge Certificate - This is a certificate which the judge signs stating that in his or her opinion the dog is worthy of becoming a Show Champion. These certificates are awarded by The Kennel Club. Your dog will need three of these awards, given by different judges, before he/she becomes a Champion. This status is also awarded by The Kennel Club. The judge has the right to withhold the CC (and RCC) if he does not think any dog entered in any class is worthy of being a Champion.
Reserve Challenge Certificate - All unbeaten winning dogs then challenge for this award. This certificate states that the dog given this award is worthy of being awarded the CC should the certificate winner be disqualified. This doesn’t happen very often! It is at the judge’s discretion to call into the ring the dog place second to the CC winner.
MP: Minor Puppy - For dogs of six and not exceeding nine calendar months of age on the first day of the show.
P: Puppy - For dogs of six and not exceeding twelve calendar months of age on the first day of the show.
J: Junior - For dogs of six months and not exceeding eighteen calendar months of age on the first day of the show.
Y: Yearling - For dogs of twelve months and not exceeding twendy-four calendar months of age on the first day of the show.
B: Beginner - For owner, handler or exhibit not having won a first prize at a Open or Championship Show.
M: Maiden - For dogs which have not won a Challenge Certificate or a First Prize at a Open or Championship Show. (Minor Puppy, Special Minor Puppy, Puppy and Special Puppy Classes excepted, whether restricted or not).
N: Novice - For dogs which have not won a Challenge Certificate or three or more First Prizes at Open or Championship Shows (Minor Puppy, Special Minor Puppy, Puppy and Special Puppy Classes excepted, whether restricted or not).
UG: Under Graduate - For dogs which have not won a Challenge Certificate or three or more First Prizes at Championship Shows where Challenge Certificates were offered for the breed (Minor Puppy, Special Minor Puppy, Puppy and Special Puppy classes excepted, whether restricted or not).
G: Graduate - For dogs which have not won a Challenge Certificate or four or more First Prizes at Championship Shows in Graduate, Post Graduate, Minor Limit, Mid Limit, Limit and Open classes, whether restricted or not where Challenge Certificates were offered for the breed.
PG: Post Graduate - For dogs which have not won a Challenge Certificate or five or more First Prizes at Championship Shows in Post Graduate, Minor Limit, Mid Limit, Limit and Open classes, whether restricted or not where Challenge Certificates were offered for the breed.
L: Limit - For dogs which have not become show Champions under the Kennel Club Regulations or under the rules of any governing body recognised by the Kennel Club or won 7 or more First Prizes in all at Championship Shows in Limit or Open Classes confined to the Breed, whether restricted or not at Shows where Challenge Certificates were offered for the breed.
O: Open - For all dogs of the breeds for which the class is provided and eligible for entry at the show.
V: Veteran - For dogs of not less than seven years of age on the first day of the show.
AV: Any Variety.
GSD: Good Citizen Dog
AVNS: Any Variety Not Separately Classified.
IR: Import Register.
JH: Junior Handler.
NFR: Not For Competition.
JW: Junior Warrant
CH: Champion
Ag CH: Agility Champion
FT CH: Field Trial Champion
Ob CH: Obedience Champion
Sh CH: Show Champion
Sh CM: Show Certificate of Merit
Abfallender - Falling away.
Abschussig - Steep.
Abzeichen - Markings.
Angakort - Passed breeding survey.
Angelegt - Laid
Angstlich Apprehensive
Anhanglich - Devoted, doting.
Ahnentafel – Pedigree Form
Allenteilen – All parts.
Aufbau – Construction.
Aufgewecht – Bright, clever.
Aufmerksam – Attentive.
Auf der spitze – On the top.
Aus – Out, leave.
Annehmbar – Acceptable.
Ausdauerprufung (A’D) – Endurance test.
Ausdruck – Expression.
Ausdrucklos – Expressionless.
Ausgedreht – Pronounced.
Ausgereift – Mature.
Auslese – ELITE, pick of the best.
Ausprechende – Attractive, pleasing.
Ausreichend – Adequate, satisfactory.
Balance – Balance.
Bander – Ligaments.
Beanstandung – Find fault with.
Bemerkung – Remarks, observations.
Bemuskelung – Musculation.
Besitzer – Owner.
Besonderer – special.
Besser – Better.
Betonte – Striking, accentuated.
Bewegung – Motion. Movement.
Bewertung – Appriaisal, assessment.
Bild – Picture, photograph.
Bissig – Vicious.
Blatt – Blade, page, leaf.
Blut – Blood.
Blutlinie – Bloodline.
Blutliche einschrankung– Bloodline imitations.
Bosarting – ill tempered.
Bose – Angry.
Braun – Brown.
Breit – Broad.
Breite – Breadth.
Brust – Chest.
Brusttierfer – Chest depth.
Brustumfang – Chest circumferences.
Bundessieger – National breed champion.
Bundesleistungsieger– National working trials champion.
Bundessiegerprufung – National working trials championship.
Bundessiegerchau – National breed championship show.
Decken – Covering (mating).
Deckschein – Mating Certificate.
Dienstpolizeihund – (D.P.H) – Police Dog.
Diensthund (D.H) – Working Dog.
Dreht – Turned.
Dunkel – Dark.
Dysplastic –Dysplasic.
Ebenmassig – Previse dimentions.
Edel – Noble.
Eigentumer – Owner.
Einwandfrei – Impeccable, faultless.
Ellenbogen – Elbows.
Ellenbogen schlusstigkeit- Tightness of elbows.
Einhodig – Monorchid, or unilateral cryptorchid.
Eltern – Parents.
Empandlieh – Sensitive.
Eng – Close, narrow.
Engtretend – Close moving.
Entwickelt – Developed.
Etwas – Slightly, a little of.
Enkel – Grandson.
Farbe – Colour.
Fangtiefe – Depth of muzzle.
Fast – Almost, nearly.
Fahrtenhund (F.H) – Advanced tracker dog.
Federnd – Resilient, springy.
Fehler – Fault, flow.
Fer’erfrei – Faultless, flawless free from fault.
Fehlt – Faulty, faults.
Fessein – Pastern.
Fesselung – Pasterns.
Fesselstraffheit – Tightness of pasterns.
Festigkeit – Firmness, tightness firm, tight.
Fest – Firm, tight.
Fischrucken – Fishback, roachback.
Flanke – Flanks.
Flach – Flat, level.
Flachripping – Flatribbed, slab sided.
Fluchtig- Fleeting.
Frei – Free.
Freundlich – Friendly.
Frisch – Saucy, cheeky, forward.
Front – Front.
Furchtlos – Intrepid, fearless.
Fuss – Foot.
Fusse – Feet.
Gange – Gait.
Gangwerk – Action.
Ganz – Complete.
Gebaut – Built, assembled.
Gebaude – Body.
Gebrauchshunde – Working dog.
Gebiss – Bite (scissor etc).
Geeignet – Suitable, appropriate.
Gehalyvoll – Meritorius has quality.
Gehoben – Raised, lifted.
Gelagert – Placed, mounted.
Gelb, gelbe – Yellow.
Geneigt – Sloping, inclined.
Genugend (G) – Sufficient.
Geprage – Stamp, characteristic.
Gerade – Striaght.
Geraumig – Roomy, spacious.
Gesamt – Altogether, overall.
Gesamtaufbau – Overall construction.
Geschlossen – Closed, locked.
Gestreckt – Stretched (slight elongation of the body).
Geschlechtgeprage – Sex characteristics, sex stamp.
Geschnitten – Cut off, cut away.
Geschwister – Litter mate brother/sister).
Gesund – Healthy.
Geweckt – Alert.
Gewicht – Weight.
Gewinn – Win.
Grau – Grey.
Gross – Big, large.
Grosse – Size.
Grosseltern – Grandparents.
Gut, gute – Good.
Guyarting – Good natured.
Hackeneng – Close hocked.
Hals – Neck
Hamophiie – Haemophilia.
Harmonisch – Harmonious, balanced.
Harte – Toughness.
Hauptzuchtschau – The national breed show (Sieger show).
Herdengebrauchshund (H.G.H) – Sheep herding dog.
Helfer – Helper; stewart at show or working trail.
Hinterhand – Hindhand, rearhand.
Hoden – Testicles.
Hoh – High
Hohe – Height.
Huftgelenk – Hip joint.
Huftgelendysplasie (H.D) – Hip dysplasia.
Hund – Dog, either sex.
Hindin – Bitch.
Inzucht – Inbreeding (line breeding).
Inzestzucht – Incestuous breeding.
Jungtier – Young animal.
Junghund – Young dog or bitch 18-24 months.
Jungendhund – Young dog/bitch 12-18 months.
Junghundklasse Ruden (JHK) – Breed show class males 18-24 months.
Junghundklasse Hindinnen (JHK) – Breed show class females 18-24 months.
Jugendklasse Ruden (JK) – Breed show class males 12-18 months.
Jugendklasse Hindinnen (JK) - Breed show class females 12-18 months.