Retired and Owned by Odette
The German Shepherd Dog Club of The United Kingdom Championship Show. Held on the 27th November 2011. LC Open Bitch (10 entries)
Judge: Mr N Ibbotson (Ibbsparr) Awarded our Prada 1st Place Open Bitch and Reserve Best of Breed
Home-bred Black & Gold Long Coat German Shepherd. KC HC Eye Test Clear.
Height: 28"
Weight: 41kg
29/11/10 BVA Hip Scored Fantastic News 7/3 Total Just 10
30/11/10 Elbow Scores are in 0/0 Total 0. Well done Prada!!!
8 Weeks Old, Loving the new, weird white stuff all around the garden.
Prada now 8 1/2 months. Page updated 18th July 2010
We are very proud of our girl. She was awarded
1st place in The Finest Under 5 Years Class on at her very first Show.
Held at the Nottingham WALCSS. Judged by B Fox.
15th October, 11 months old. Sister to Teddy, very easy girl to work with.
13 months old. Soaking Wet, but what fun. Can I catch snowball??
Our stunning girl was Awarded Best Pastoral/Working and Best In Show all breeds. Updated 27/07/2011.
Thank you Maria for these photos.