Handsome Black & Red Long Coat
Date of Birth: 4th February 2012.
Registration Number: AP01071905
BVA Hip Scored 3/4 Total 7 Elbow Scored 0/0. At one year.
SV Hips F/Normal, Elbows Normal and DNA geprüft. Scored at three years old.
Breeding Value SV 89
Microchip Number: 981000004533290
BVA HC Eye Tested Clear and Heart Tested Clear. Hemophilia Test Normal
Ursus Batu (4-5) Largo Breidenbacher-lock (5-5) ZW 89.
Father: VA1 (GB) & Ch Elmo vom Hühnegrab (SZ 2188000) Tattoo No.HH 6735 BH AD Sch3 Korung For Life. Hips & Elbows A1 Stamp Normal, DNA Parentage Proven. Jeck Noricum (5-5) Fanto Hirschel (5-5). ZW81.
Pet name Rico this boy won Best of Breed at Crufts in 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2014. Placed in the Pastoral Group each time but in 2011 he won the group and Challenged for Best In Show at Cruffs!!!
VA1 British Sieger ELMO v HÜHNEGRAB SchH3. Over medium size. Medium strong. Very good type. Good expression. Good pigmentation. High wither. Straight back. Good croup. Good angulation of the front and very good angulation of the rear. Correct chest. Clean front. Correct coming and going. Very good movement. Altogether dry and firm.
Mother: Janina vom Santamar Registration No. (LOSH 1071393) Microchip No. 981100002352394. Hips & Elbows A1 Stamp Normal DNA Parentage Proven. Pakros Ulmental (3-2) Ursus Batu (5-4).
Wizard one of the most intelligent boy we have ever owned and trained. Wizard has a wonderful temperament and a eye catching looks. Kennel Club Bronze Good Citizen. Lightly Show graded VP British Sieger 2012 at just over 6 months. Graded SG Jo Cathie (Cinderhof). Graded SG at Midland Regional Oct 2013 by SV Judge: Rene Rudin.
2014 Wizard made history in becoming the first Long Coat to Win the Open Class at Bath Championship Show and Reserve Best Dog. Proving it was not a fluke at his very next show Windsor Chamionship Show he wins Open Dog again. We are so proud of this boy and his achievements at just 2 years old. Hopefully his achievements woll encourage more people to show there Long Coats.
2014 Gsd Rally Winner of Open Class and Reserve Best Longcoat to our girl Inka.
Windsor Championship Show Show Critique
OD (5) 1 Dooley Shotaan Czar At Giantlands, 2 year old male of super quality. Black and Tan. Strong head with intelligent, lively expression. Powerful neck, well placed shoulder moving into a perfect topline with strong loin and well moulded croup. A true showman with movement that couldn't be beaten by others in the class. Handled superbly. 2 Waite Jojoba Bear Necessity, another lovely male. Black and pale gold. Straight slightly sloping topline, a little flat across the croup. Good front assembly and rear quarters. Super bone. Well handled. 3 Shaw Bournemouth Firework At Astradine. Res: O'brien Phenaid Phrederik. VHC: Chisholm Bohlkenbridge Kanto. GCD/B (3) 1 Dooley Shotaan Czar At Giantlands. Critiques As Above. 2 Shaw Frontrunner Fortune N Glory to Astradine Sh.CM Critiques as above.
This boy is so special to us his temperament and character is outstanding he has been a pleasure to train and work. He has stolen our hearts already.